Sunday, February 21, 2010

144 Days: ICLW!

Hello ICLWers!

-I'm 31, married to Neal for almost 5 years.

-PCOS w/ insulin resistance and severe male factor. 3 years of TTC, 4 failed IUIs, 5 rounds of Clomid, IVF w/ ICSI turned into our son, Kasen, who was born in June 2009. He's awesome and we are totally ready to add more to our family!

-Co-worker of Neal's knew we were talking about adopting in the future and put us in touch with someone he knew who was considering adoption for her baby. (aka Situation #1) Though she decided to parent, this got us started on the private adoption path and showed us that home studies can be done in two weeks for $300.

-Started networking on our own and were called this month about a Situation #2: Newborn girl in Texas. Currently waiting for more news but not feeling very hopeful that it's all going to work out at this time.

For those who don't know what ICLW is, it stands for International Comment Leaving Week and was started in the Infertility/Adoption/Loss blogging community as a way to get to know one another and lend support. It happens once a month and anybody can join in! (See link in sidebar!)


  1. Good luck with the possible adoption!

  2. So glad to hear an IVF was successful and that you have an adoption lead!

    Happy ICLW.

  3. Thanks for posting on my blog Carrie from ICLW. I will be checking in on your blog as we are pursuing private agency domestic infant adoption. Good luck with everything!

  4. hoping for the best for you! yes, homestudies can get done post haste!


  5. Hello, I will be interested to follow your journey. Now that I have written off stirrups for awhile my DH and I are trying to decided what to do next in this exciting world of IF. ICLW

  6. Lots of luck to you! Home studies can be done for $300, seriously?


  7. good luck on your adoption journey, there can be lots of ups and downs, but i have my two kiddos because of domestic infant adoption , it was for sure worth all those ups and downs

  8. (I'm totally following Kristin around for ICLW- maybe she's an iron commenter? :-))
    Anyway, Carrie, so nice to find your blog. My hubs and I are doing foster care for now, but can relate to the roller coaster of emotions of getting calls about potential babies. It'll all be worth it for sure.
    Btw- my hubs is from Texas, so I firmly believe good things come from there! Good luck!

  9. All the best for your adoption adventure!

  10. Congrats on the birth of your son! Hope you are able to find a solid match very soon.:)

  11. You have such a beautiful family! :)

